Doctor Testimonials

Bernadette Hernandez-Mendoza - DPT, CPI, CSCI

My brother in law died and his mom wasn’t able to sleep. I told her to use the Qtopix drops and after 30 days she would sleep soundly. Seriously, I don’t travel without Qtopix…people get headaches and I’m known to take out the balm and give them that instant gratification. For me personally, I want to age gracefully as best as I can, working out twice a day and weight training, so I really never leave my home without it. I look at Qtopix as a BIO hack for my body, I believe in getting to the root of the problem, and it’s natural so why not! We are healers and health care providers, we need to educate and when I prescribe these to my patients they love it. Wellness is a beautiful things, in the world we live in it’s important to allow your body to keep up. For me that’s Qtopix.

Dr. Bobby Pourziaee - DPM

When I got introduced to Qtopix it didn’t just change my life it changed the lives of my patients. I have 3 patient offices and have been using Qtopix to prescribe to my patients for years now. I personally take it to wind down my brain after days performing surgeries and running my busy practices. It's incredible. Here’s how I see it, there are 3 points when it comes to Qtopix and why it’s part of my practice.Firstly, post op. I prescribe Qtopix to my patients for at least 1 to 3 months after surgery for pain management and it’s a very important factor in how I help my patients with their pain. I’ve seen patients using less narcotics, because they’re using Qtopix, I mean they’re not even opening their actual prescriptions for pain medicine. It has really become a part of my standard post op protocol.Secondly, I feel that another reason Qtopix becomes a big part of patient care is due to its accessibility; Patients don’t want surgery for many reasons , whether it be financial, delays or they simply don’t want it. Especially with issues like bunions or bone spurs that can be so painful- My patients use Qtopix which also has anti – inflammatory benefits and relief pain. I've seen patients that can actually actually put off surgery and live comfortably and that is very important to me.MAnd finally, sometimes there are no solid answers to problems. Peripheral Neuropathy, for example, is commonly treated with prescription medication that can make patients feel loopy or tired. With symptoms like tingling, numbness, pain and electric shock, my patients just want to find a solution. I treat them with Qtopix and it helps my patients sleep, not become victims to their symptoms, and help maintain the pain using the balm and drops.

Mousa Mirakhor - Pharm.D

I’ve been using Qtopix for over three years now and it has become such a significant brand in my pharmacy, I literally keep it right near my register hahaha. I use it myself and I truly love what the brand stands for, what it does for my patients and customers…even the people behind the brand are phenomenal. Anytime I deal with Qtopix it’s always consistent and reliable. The brand has become really important to my business and educating my customers. I mean, people are increasingly looking for non-drug pain relief and I am here to educate and help my customers have a pain free quality of life. I feel the need to educate and help people. That's why I have my business for personal service and care. I prescribe it for pain management, healing, sleep aid sports pain management which can be very intense. We take our time to speak and listen we care and if we can provide Qtopix then we know we have prescribed products that work and make a difference, and that is really my passion.

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